The other day I was watching a movie, and in it there was a dog that had been debarked. Although the movie did not portray it as a good thing to do to dogs, they didn't show that it was actually a bad thing to do to animals.
Many dogs every year are debarked because their owners think they bark too much, or are too loud. De barking is when, by a surgical procedure, a small amount of tissue in a dog's vocal chords is removed. Since a dog's vocal chords are not being removed is still has the ability to bark, just at a lower volume. What a lot of people don't know is that debarking a dog is not a good thing too do. In some cases, scar tissue can build up and cause problems with the dog's breathing. There is also a reason why a dog barks. It's to let us know how they are feeling, whether to tell us if they are happy, frustrated, or scared, they don't bark continuous for no reason. Debarking a dog is just a quick solution that ignores the reason for why a dog is barking so much, in the first place.
I have also seen cats that were declawed while volunteering. Now I know that declawing cats is more common than debarking a dog, but it is also a practice that is not good to do. When a cat is declawed, a surgical procedure is done, where a cat's claws are removed, including the cells responsible for the nail's growth. A cat's claws are very useful and important. They use them to greet their owner, mark their territory, and express their emotions. After being declawed, some cats may choose to start biting. In some instances they may also become more aggressive, because they can no longer defend themselves as well. Cats may also have trouble climbing, jumping, and cleaning themselves. Personally, I think that people should just clip their cat's nails instead of when they get too sharp, instead of declawing.
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